"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete"
Our Mission

TRU Education
offered multifaceted curriculum guiding adults through personal transformation from 2011-2019, online since 2012. We championed intermediate level mindfulness & emotional intelligence curriculum through the lens of Buddhist & Yogic Traditions, skillfully adapted to modern living. We humbly served over 3000 participants with unique experiential courses. We are not currently offering any courses and this site is stripped to be a basic archive. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified of future changes.
“When I enrolled, I too had no idea what I was getting into. I’ve done all kinds of online courses and this is by far the best put together program I’ve ever seen. FAB content. It was a scary proposal for me to dedicate shifting my attention to truth, but now that I am in it, it feels like home. Highly recommend!!!” ~Shelly
“This program helped me root myself in basic sanity, communicate effectively from my truest self, deeply listen, remove old habits and patterns that stood in the way of my heart’s deepest longing, solidified a meditation practice, helped me identify my core values and beliefs and gave me the continent of a loving community and the guidance of truly wise teachers representing wisdom lineages that are humble and wise.” – 3x 40 Day Challenge participant
“Working with TRU is also a training in discipline. Or I always liked the term: blisscipline. It was an opportunity to practice showing up fully and changing habitual patterns around work, and transforming it into Service. The icing on the cake has been a rigorous training in presence. Presence touches attention to details, sensitivity, contextualizing situations and problems, and listening to the subtle complexity of each project, initiative, or situation.” ~Piper
“As the official Immersion program is coming to a close, I find myself reflecting on the moment I committed to it and laughing. At the time I was questioning whether or not it was a responsible financial commitment for someone with a young family. Now at the point of completion, the cost of the program seems so ridiculously insignificant in comparison to the value provided. What price is connection to the nature of Being? We recently bought a house and, knowing what I now know, I would gladly give up ‘my half’ if it was required to receive the teachings the TRU faculty provided over the past 6 months.” ~ David
“Reflecting years later on the long lasting effects of this course: I started meditating after taking this course, it was the final push for me to start my own practice. It also helped me learn to be less reactive and practice more grace in my personal interactions: lots of knowledge that I was able to integrate that I still use today, as well as share with my patients. Super grateful for this experience 🙂 ” ~Gabriella
“TRU is an offering unmatched in our time. It is a rebirth of a timeless something that is perfectly held by the Grace of this community that it built.” ~ Lucid